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PUERTO RICO AND LATIN AMERICA: Unique and Distinctive Markets

Puerto Rico and Latin America represent a unique and distinctive set of markets. At Garnet, we understand that each country and region comes with its own unique credit and cultural context. Garnet’s Las Americas Group was specially formed to deliver market-local expertise and client service:


Nonperforming Commercial Mortgage Sales under FDIC Loss Share


Charged-Off Consumer Loan and Credit Card Sales


Charged-Off Puerto Rico Consumer Loan Sale


Charged-Off Debt Buyer Company Sale


Nonperforming Commercial Mortgage and REO Sale under FDIC Loss Share


Subperforming / Nonperforming Residential Mortgage Portfolio

San Juan Contacts

HC Capital LLC, 1060 Calle Borinqueña, Cond., Río Piedras, Puerto Rico


Professional Profiles

Garnet Las Americas professional staff is always available in either San Juan or New York.
Sean McVity

Sean McVity

Limited Partner
New York

Sean McVity

Sean McVity

Limited Partner
New York

Sean McVity

Sean McVity

Limited Partner
New York

Successful Performance Across All Sectors:

Over $7.1 billion in valuation and sale assignments completed